A single idea
The Center Playhouse is now accepting play & musical submissions for its upcoming Entertainment Season. Professional playwrights or directors who desire to stage a viable, high-quality production at the Center are encouraged to submit.
Works submitted may include comedies, dramas, musicals, or original works. Directors are requested to submit a resumé detailing their experience and must include their biography and a list of professional references. Should a submission reach the next stage of consideration, more information regarding the scope of the production and its implementation will be requested. Please note that should a production submission be accepted, it is up to the Center’s discretion as to which of its theaters the production will be performed: the Center’s 300-400+ seat main theater, or the Center’s 100-200+ seat Blak Box Theater. Please include whether the submitted production would be professional, community, or youth theater oriented, and any other information or support materials that may pique our interest.
Interested in staging a play?
Simply fill out the Director+Play Submission Form and let us know!